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When hit One of the wall to learn Arabic | troubled college student! ...

Learn in Niigata University - the first time to learn a ... Collide One of the wall when you learn Arabic Arabic is the mother tongue in the Middle East countries, Is one of One of the official languages ​​are used in the United Nations agencies. Then, in the inseparable deeper relationship in terms of talking about Islam is one of the world's great religions, Muslim holy book [Koran] is also the language was written. Although Arabic is such a globally important language, In fact, it is known also that learning is a difficult language. When you learn Arabic, hit to any wall, what kind of thing it is sufficient to prepared for, we tried together. Please try to come reference If you are considering going to learn in the future Arabic! It is difficult to learn the Arabic character! Speaking of Arabic, it's form was that Hattifatteners is characteristic! Moreover, since write from right to left, not accustomed it hard to write the Japanese feeling of vertical and horizontal were mixed in Japan when writing. However, since the Arabic characters are not only shape, when compared with the Japanese that there is hiragana katakana kanji, it might be that simple.

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