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Arabic - window of world history

Learn in Niigata University - the first time to learn a ... Arabic Is the Arab language of the Semitic language family, was recognized as an official language of the Islamic world. Originally Arabic in the Arab language, belonging to the South Semitic system. When the flourish is Islam, "Koran" is written in Arabic, it is God because it is the words of (Allah) be translated into other languages ​​was prohibited, other than Arab Muslims ( Muslims) is also now uses the Arabic through the Koran, was widespread as the common language of the Islamic world. The current from Morocco in North Africa to Iraq in West Asia has become a Arabic-speaking. Turkish and Persian in the Islamic world, and Indonesian is used separately. In Arabic characters be referred to the Arabic began to be used from around century, which is also widely used in the Islamic world (except for Turkey and Indonesia). Arabic characters in features to horizontally from right to left, is now divided into several typefaces, in the Arabic civilization that painting is not developed, the Arabic characters [calligraphy] has developed very well.

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