Learn in Niigata University - the first time to learn a ...

[Cultural conception undergraduate] 0 fiscal Syllabus

Learn in Niigata University - the first time to learn a ... Auto registration courses - Course Title year Arabic (Step) Irohani (spring semester) year Arabic (Step) Irohani (fall semester) day time period the day of the week time period of each class, coordinator Daisuke Igarashi lesson Please check offered Subject List This lesson was targeted for the first time learn people an overview Arabic. And general grammar learning, current affairs Arabic, consists of classes of conversation by native teachers. ? (Color) is the class of the grammar. It will tell you the characters and basic grammar. It is a lesson to learn grammar matters necessary to read and write, but there is also an auxiliary to the addition of a description of the Arab culture and colloquial. ? (C) is a class of current events and writing. Two youth article of Arabic in subject, at the same time as the understanding of the current affairs and culture, we aim to learn basic expressions and vocabulary. ? (D) is the class of the Arabic conversation native teachers in charge. While taking advantage of the matters that have been learned by the color, it makes the learning practice of expressions used in conversation.

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