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[Arabic learning] tried to start an Arabic carefree feeling | Ma ...

Learn in Niigata University - the first time to learn a ... [Arabic learning] tried to start an Arabic carefree feeling I started to study Arabic from recent 0 years around. Arabic is I have been known to write to the left from the distinctive character or the right in the language being used in the Middle East. Just text has arrived in this month month, until it had or heard zapping the Arabic of videos on YouTube, Arif the barter (song to learn the Arabic alphabet as the ABC of English). First, I work hard and try to remember the characters and pronunciation, but the road is steep. Some of the words so put the Arabic keyboard to the tablet that are used in sub-input, you will be able to search. Arabic does not have many places to learn even at the university. The second part of the school, but we have established in the third foreign language. 00 around the Muslims in the entire world's population is said to reverse the Christians of the population. This prediction is comparatively popular news. 00 to around Will has come Arabic boom in Japan.

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